Saturday, August 25, 2018

I will go out of my way to write an article of the desired length doing the necessary research

I will go out of my way to write an article of the desired length doing the necessary research


I like writing. I won't claim to be best, i won't claim to be the fastest, but when given a task i set myself to it and will deliver as best i can. If you hire me for 2 hours i won't mind giving you 4 for the same price so long as i'm allowed the deliver what i feel is the best i can achieve.

I'll write movie reviews, game reviews, opinion pieces and anything else i feel comfortable writing. No topic is off-limits but if i don't feel sufficiently informed to write something good i will say so and most likely decline the offer.

The pricing is negotiable, as are delivery times, length and style. 

If you're interested or curious, feel free to contact me directly.







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