I will write blog articles about any health or medical subject

Hi there,What I am offering here is to write articles in the field of health and medical sciences (any topic related to it, from diets to neurodegenerative diseases, from stem cells to diets...whatever you need, just name it and I will write about it). All the articles are 100% plagiarism-free, so you don't need to worry about it being original (I take this very seriously).
Also, most of the sources of information that are used are scientific articles, so all the information in my articles are very accurate and everything will be according to what science is telling now. I use websites as references sometimes, but only reliable ones.
I can write for any type of public, from children to doctors, and at any tone that you want: funny, serious, using technical words or just writing with a more "common" language.

tomvbk:Cancelled order. Seller failed to deliver on time!
tomvbk:Great first attempt - we will be using Julia again.
juliadcsilveira:Great client! Thanks for everything
flowerpot12:Thank you so much!\n\nPerfect!\n\nWill use you again!\n
juliadcsilveira:Great client! Thanks a lot.

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