I will write a blog post in your writing voice+ 1 royalty free picture+ upload content to your site.

I love to write blog posts and have been able to write for many different clients in need of blog posts for their business and personal websites.Please contact me prior to ordering this gig so that I may evaluate your request.
What you will receive:
1. A blog post that is no less than 300 words.
2. The ability to add on words in increments of 100 for an additional $5 a piece.
3. Well written article about the subject you choose.
4. Interspersed keywords throughout the post that you provide.

chant63:And BAM\nThis was way beyond what i imagined\nthank you :)
joannapea81:Thanks for working with me
alauria:Working with joannapea81 is always a pleasure! Thank you once again for providing exactly what I needed in an easy-to-read format.
joannapea81:Thanks for working with me!\r\n
sherilwb:She's a great blogger and we have a long standing working relationship.

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