I will write a high quality dog or pet related blog post or article
Inspire yourself with emotional, uplifting stories of animal bravery, amazingly detailed dog training, animal behavior and psychology!What I'm Offering:
- Your Chosen Topic
- 500 - 2000 words
- Flows Smoothly; Easy to Read
- Accurate Topic Research
- Headings/ Sub-headings Included
- Quality SEO
- Anchor Text/ Links You Specify
- Pinterest Optimized Image if Desired
- Product Advertising if Desired
- Images Optimized for Social Media Sharing Upon Request
- References Cited Upon Request, in Format Requested
- Submitted in Either Microsoft Word of Google Docs Format
- Option to Rush 1- Day Delivery Available
Why Choose Me?
Studied Dog Behavior 15+ Years
Written Countless Subject Related Articles
Studied Under Veterinarians
Medically Experienced- Worked Alongside Doctors/Physicians
Current College Marketing Major
Note: I will spend up to four days per article, so - for example - an order of three articles could take up to 12 days. 'Fast tracking' your order will require an additional $10 per article.
Check my 'Design the Perfect Blog Article' image for a visual explanation, or feel free to take a look at my PDF file!
annemahree:I had a really great first experience. 2nd experience fell a little short as it was past due date. Article was great though.
chrisquinn157:I never received a response to my question regarding the specifics of this order; it was somewhat difficult to give this buyer what he wanted without that being answered. Because he seemed dissatisfied, I offered an additional 500 word article free of charge.
fabjak:Great quality, well researched work. Thank you!
daniahernandez:thanks for a great article!
chrisquinn157:The finished product I gave this buyer was 125 words over the purchased limit. I believe she was upset because I took about 24 hours to complete the additional content she asked for, which was outside of the order and not included in the 500 word package in the first place.
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