Wednesday, August 8, 2018

I will write a blog article at an introductory price in 24 hours

I will write a blog article at an introductory price in 24 hours


“Try it. You’ll Like It!”

In 1972, indigestion reliever Alka Seltzer release a series of commercials with the tagline, ‘Try it. You’ll like it.’

The idea was to introduce a new generation to an old-school product — one they probably had never tried before.

I understand your caution about spending money on an unproven (to you) freelance writer. To quote Bill Clinton, “I feel your pain.”

You know, as well as I do, that business growth isn’t achieved by staying in the safe back-harbor, but rather venturing out into the new, the untested.

Here’s your chance to affordably improve your content, boost your SEO and bring customers into your store.

And…if you just want to take a break from the blog post, I can do that too.

“Try It. You’ll Like It."


mluqman1:Jerry works hard, we had problem explaining ourselves otherwise Jerry made quite an effort in 24 hours. I wish we had better communication over the phone or video conferencing. Thank Jerry

jandrewnelson:Satisfactory Experience

fenixpro:Need fast awesome content? Jerry is your guy.

jandrewnelson:Buyer is great to work with. Quick with answers to requests for more information and excellent at providing ideas to get a story on track. Would gladly work this with buyer again soon!

mauriciolm:Jerry was able to put and improve my thoughts​ on paper. I like very much working with him.

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